It is believed that there are many energy centers in our body called "Chakras".
The most famous are the seven basic chakras, positioned along the spine
stretching from the base of the spinal column (Base Chakra) to above the head (Crown Chakra).
Each chakra associated with its own color and crystal.
It is believed that each chakra has appropriate crystals that help to open, as well as heal the chakra.
The more open the chakra, the healthier it is.
Your Reiki healer can identify which of your chakras meeds treatment and with which crystal or gemstone.
The Jewelinet, is a great tool for chakra treatment.
Use it as a sachet to hold the right cristal clkose to your upper chakras,
or as a pendulum with the proper crystal to open all of the chakras.

Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra is associated with the balance of the mind, body & spirit. It controls our consciousness & self awareness.
A healthy Crown Chakra ensures a long, healthy life.Color: Violet or White
Crystals: Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Diamond & White Jade.
Third Eye Chakra

The Third-Eye Chakra is associated with "seeing" spirtually & physically.
It controls intuition, psychic power & sight.
A healthy Third-Eye Chakra strengthens the powers of intuition & imagination, and gives support in reaching goals without stress.
Color: Indigo or Dark Blue
Crystals: Sodalite, Azurite, Lapis & Blue Sapphire
Throat Chakra

The Throat Chakra is associated with voice, language and communication.
A healthy Throat Chakra supports effective communication & enhances trust in personal inspiration.
Color: Blue
Crystals: Aquamarine, Turquoise, Blue Agate, Angelite & Amazonite
Heart Chakra
The Heart Chakra is associated with love, compassion & self acceptance, as well as with the chest organs & the immune system.
A healthy Heart chakra helps to create satisfying & fulfilling relationships.
Color: Green
Crystals: Aventurine, Malachite, Green Jade, Rose Quartz & Tourmaline
Solar Plexus Chakra
The Solar Plexus or Navel Chakra is associated with our will power & the digestive system. It links between mind & emotions.A healthy Solar Plexus Chakra makes it easy to recognize our true goals in life & achieve them.Color: Yellow.Crystals: Citrine, Yellow Jasper & Amber
Sacral Chakra
The Sacral or Sex Chakra is associated with the reproductive systems & the cleansing systems.A healthy Sacral Chakra helpsto filter out negative influences, balance desires & emotions and supports the ability to accept change.Color: OrangeCrystals: Carnelian, Tiger Eye & Coral
Root Chakra
The Root or Base Chakra is associated with the connection to earth, the sense of smell , vitality & our survival instincts.
A healthy Root Chakra supports our energy and helps to be calm & in touch with the natural world.
Color: Red
Crystals: Red Jasper, Garnet, Hematite, Smoky Quartz, Black Tourmaline,Obsidian & Bloodstone