Rose Quartz Ranges in color from soft pink to golden-white, used to heal emotional wounds; has a calming, cooling energy that works on All Chakras to remove negativity & bring about loving energy. Opens & heals the Heart Chakra, encouraging forgiveness, compassion & service to humanity. Carrying, displaying or wearing the stone stimulates the life force of LOVE.
Clear Quartz Acts as a prism, breaking light into the full color spectrum; can be used on All Chakras & any part of the body. Amplifies the energies of other crystals. A master healing crystal, a "stone of power".

Amethyst Ranges in color from deep purple to pale lavender; balances the intellectual, emotional & physical body, and opens & activates the Crown Chakra, enhancing psychic awareness.

Smoky Quartz

A dark clear quartz, a grounding stone, helps to dissipates negativity and depression. Relaxing and helps your dreams come true. 

Sodalite Ranges in color from dark blue, grey, green to lavender blue; used to activate the Throat Chakra; encourages self-esteem and trust in others & self; fosters companionship, fellowship and unifies vision & action.
Aventurine Usually green in color; used to activate & clear the Heart Chakra; provides protection from those that would attempt to "leech" off your energy; balances the male/female energies, enhances creativity, decisiveness, leadership qualities, and helps balance & align the intellectual, emotional, physical & auric bodies.
Citrine ranges in color from pale yellow to golden amber; used to activate, open & energize the Solar Plexus Chakra; Promotes a "fresh outlook" and dissipates & transmutes negative energy. Stimulates mental clarity, endurance & emotional balance, and enhances communications in relationships. Said to attract abundance when placed in the cash box.

Carnelian Ranges in color from red-orange to red-brown; used to activate the Sacral Chakra; enhances the flow of life energy; stimulates analytical capabilities & precision, awakening one to their inherent talents. Increases vitality, creativity, personal power & sexual energy, while dispelling apathy & passivity.

Red Jasper A red stone, used in activating the Root Chakra. Meditation with this stone helps in bettering oneself & accepting responsibility

Hematite A black metallic stone; enhances mental capability, memory & helps with original thought & technical knowledge; facilitates the balance of yin-yang, or male/female energies; It is a grounding stone; brings tranquility & emotional clarity.

Tiger Eye  A brownish metallic with lines of gold, Promotes optimism, enhences intuition, attracts wealth.








 Note: The descriptions given here on Crystals, Stones & Chakras are for informational purposes only